Find Your Buzz
A 6 Module Action-Plan to Set and Reach Life Long Goals By Vince Poscente
Introduction to ELEPHantPOWER
FREE PREVIEWMeet Your Ant and Your Elephant
FREE PREVIEWLife is a Fulfilling Journey
FREE PREVIEWHomework Assignment - Reminders: Your Life is a Fulfilling Journey
FREE PREVIEWYour Defining Moments and Decision Making Habits
FREE PREVIEWNow, fill in four columns...
FREE PREVIEWOptional Video Lunch & Learn Week 1
Assignment: Your Personal Values
Let's have Clarity with all the Important Areas of Your Life
Assignment: What's Your List of Possible BIG Goals?
Your 5-Senses Dream Movie
Assignment Step 1. Look at Your List. Pick Your Buzz Worthy Goals.
Assignment Step 2. What "setting" will you choose?
Assignment Step 3. Now bring the Setting, Scenario, and Emotions all together in one paragraph.
Optional Video - Lunch & Learn Week 2
Dealing with those Voices of Doubt
Pop Quiz
Assignment: 5 Action Steps to Eliminate Negativity
Up to 99% Commitment or 100% Commitment
Assignment: When your commitment is tested.
Oxygenate to Avoid Fight, Flight, or Freeze
Assignment: Three Times Today -> 5-10-5 for 5
Your Big # Commitment Scenarios (Forced - Magnetic - Repulsive)
Assignment: Take Your Commitment to a Whole New Level
No Fear Based Decisions - Start By Telling Others
FREE PREVIEW3 Part Assignment: Telling Others
Optional Video - Lunch & Learn Week 3
What Other High Performers Aren't Willing to Do
Assignment: For Sticky Note Reminders
"My, what a nice Blue Bucket you have."
Assignment: Teach the "Blue Bucket" Concept for Consistency
The 1st of Four Columns - FINANCIAL
Assignment: Consistently Fill in Action Ideas Your FINANCIAL Column
2nd of Four Columns - PHYSICAL
Assignment: Consistently Fill in Action Ideas in Your PHYSICAL Column
The 3rd of Four Columns - RESEARCH
Assignment: Consistently Fill in Ways You will RESEARCH
There's GOLD in Your Gold Dots.
FREE PREVIEWA Really, Really, Really Important Assignment: Craft Your Gold Dot
FREE PREVIEWThe 4th of Four Columns - MENTAL
Another, Really, Really, Really Important Assignment: Experietializing Your Vision in the MENTAL Column
Optional Video - Lunch & Learn Week 4
Flip the Fear/Confidence Gap
Assignment: The Decision to "Have Fun"
Assignment: Experiential 3-Part Harmony
Stressful Scenario Flashcards
Assignment: Design Your Flashcards with a Buddy
Pivot Your Attention Off Negaholics
Assignment: Practice the Pivot
Optional Video - Lunch & Learn Week 5
Goal Stacking Optimizes Your Time
Assignment: Stack those tasks to reach your goals.
Pop Quiz
A Five Step Routine for Peak Performance
Assignment: Follow These 5 Steps for Peak Performance
Pop Quiz
Conclusion - Keep Driving Forward in Your S-Curve
Final Assignment - Tell Us What You Think